background-image: url(../img/fp-tower/website-background.svg) class: center, middle, white .title[Non-Blocking IO] --- class: medium-code # Why parZip is blocking?
.seventy-seven-left[ ```scala trait IO[A] { def parZip[Other](other: IO[Other])(ec: ExecutionContext): IO[(A, Other)] = IO { val future1 = Future { this.unsafeRun() }(ec) val future2 = Future { other.unsafeRun() }(ec) val combined = Await.result(combined, Duration.Inf) } } ``` ] --- class: medium-code # Why parZip is blocking?
.seventy-seven-left[ ```scala trait IO[A] { def parZip[Other](other: IO[Other])(ec: ExecutionContext): IO[(A, Other)] = IO { val future1 = Future { this.unsafeRun() }(ec) val future2 = Future { other.unsafeRun() }(ec) val combined = `Await.result`(combined, Duration.Inf) } } ``` ] --- class: medium-code # Why parZip is blocking?
.seventy-seven-left[ ```scala trait IO[A] { def parZip[Other](other: IO[Other])(ec: ExecutionContext): `IO[(A, Other)]` = IO { val future1 = Future { this.unsafeRun() }(ec) val future2 = Future { other.unsafeRun() }(ec) val combined = Await.result(combined, Duration.Inf) : `(A, Other)` } } ``` ] --- class: medium-code # Why parZip is blocking?
.seventy-seven-left[ ```scala object IO { def apply[A](action: => A): `IO[A]` = new IO[A] { def unsafeRun(): A = action } } ``` ] --- class: medium-code # Why parZip is blocking?
.seventy-seven-left[ ```scala object IO { def apply[A](action: `=> A`): IO[A] = new IO[A] { def unsafeRun(): A = action } } ``` ] --- class: medium-code # Why parZip is blocking?
.seventy-seven-left[ ```scala trait IO[A] { def unsafeRun(): A } ``` ] --- class: medium-code # Because unsafeRun is blocking
.seventy-seven-left[ ```scala def block[A](action: IO[A]): A = action.unsafeRun() def block[A](future: Future[A]): A = Await.result(future, Duration.Inf) ``` ] --- class: medium-code # How can we make IO non-blocking?
.seventy-seven-left[ ```scala trait IO[A] { def unsafeRun(): A } ``` ] --- class: medium-code # Future is non-blocking .sixty-two-left[ ```scala val futureUser = db.getUser(1234) // futureUser: Future[User] = Future(
) ``` ] --- class: medium-code # Future is non-blocking .sixty-two-left[ ```scala val futureUser = db.getUser(1234) // futureUser: Future[User] = Future(
) val futureName = // futureName: Future[String] = Future(
) ``` ] --- class: medium-code # Future is non-blocking .sixty-two-left[ ```scala trait Future[A] { def onComplete(callback: Try[A] => Unit): Unit } ``` ] -- .sixty-two-left[ ```scala db.getUser(1234).onComplete { case Failure(error) => println("Oops") case Success(user) => println(s"User 1234 is $user") } ``` ] --- class: medium-code # Future is non-blocking .sixty-two-left[ ```scala trait Future[A] { def onComplete(callback: Try[A] => Unit): Unit } ``` ] .sixty-two-left[ ```scala db.getUser(1234).onComplete { case Failure(error) => println("Oops") case Success(user) => println(s"User 1234 is $user") } db.getUser(4444).onComplete { case Failure(error) => println("Oops") case Success(user) => println(s"User 4444 is $user") } ``` ] --- class: medium-code # Non-blocking IO .sixty-two-left[ ```scala trait IO[A] { def onComplete(callback: Try[A] => Unit): Unit } ``` ] --- class: medium-code # Asynchronous IO .sixty-two-left[ ```scala trait IO[A] { def unsafeRunAsync(callback: Try[A] => Unit): Unit } ``` ] --- class: medium-code # Asynchronous IO .sixty-two-left[ ```scala trait IO[A] { // executes an IO `async`hronously def unsafeRunAsync(callback: Try[A] => Unit): Unit // executes an IO `sync`hronously def unsafeRun(): A } ``` ] --- # Concurrency with a single thread .seventy-seven-left[.center[
]] --- # Concurrency with a single thread .seventy-seven-left[.center[
]] --- # Concurrency with a single thread .seventy-seven-left[.center[
]] --- # Concurrency with a single thread .seventy-seven-left[.center[
]] --- # Concurrency with a single thread .seventy-seven-left[.center[
]] --- # Concurrency with a single thread .seventy-seven-left[.center[
]] --- # Concurrency with a single thread .seventy-seven-left[.center[
]] --- # Concurrency with a single thread .seventy-seven-left[.center[
]] --- class: medium-code
.forty-two-left[ # Direct Style ```scala def getUser(userId: Long): User ``` ```scala val user1 = getUser(1234) val user2 = getUser(5555) println(s"Users are $user1 and $user2") ``` ] .fifty-seven-right[ # Continuation Passing Style ```scala def getUser(userId: Long)(callback: User => Unit): Unit ``` ```scala getUser(1234) { user1 => getUser(555) { user2 => println(s"Users are $user1 and $user2") } } ``` ]