background-image: url(../img/fp-tower/website-background.svg) class: center, middle, white .title[Evaluation] --- # 1. Vals .forty-seven-left[ ```scala val city = "New York" // city: String = "New York" val counter = 1 // counter: Int = 1 ``` ] --- # 1. Vals are evaluated when created .forty-seven-left[ ```scala val city = "New York".drop(4) // city: String = "York" val counter = 1 + 3 // counter: Int = 4 ``` ] --- # 1. Vals are evaluated only once .fifty-two-left[ ```scala import java.time.Instant val nowSeconds = // nowSeconds: Long = 1616594266L ``` ]
.fifty-two-left[ ```scala nowSeconds // res: Long = 1616594266L nowSeconds // res: Long = 1616594266L ``` ] --- # 2. Defs .forty-seven-left[ ```scala def greeting(): Unit = println("Hello") ``` ] --- # 2. Defs are evaluated when called .forty-seven-left[ ```scala def greeting(): Unit = println("Hello") ``` ]
.forty-seven-left[ ```scala greeting() // Hello ``` ] --- # 2. Defs are reevaluated everytime .forty-seven-left[ ```scala def greeting(): Unit = println("Hello") ``` ]
.forty-seven-left[ ```scala greeting() // Hello greeting() // Hello ``` ] --- # 2. Defs are reevaluated everytime .forty-seven-left[ ```scala import java.time.Instant def nowMillis(): Long = ``` ]
.forty-seven-left[ ```scala nowMillis() // res: Long = 1616590118552L nowMillis() // res: Long = 1616590118554L ``` ] --- # 2. Defs without parameter .sixty-two-left[ ```scala def greeting(): Unit = println("Hello") case class User(firstName: String, lastName: String) { def fullName: String = s"${firstName} ${lastName}" } ``` ] -- .sixty-two-left[ ```scala greeting() // Hello User("John", "Doe").fullName // res: String = "John Doe" ``` ] --- # 3. Lazy Vals .forty-seven-left[ ```scala lazy val greeting = println("Hello") ``` ] --- # 3. Lazy Vals are evaluated when first accessed .forty-seven-left[ ```scala lazy val greeting = println("Hello") ``` ```scala greeting // Hello ``` ] --- # 3. Lazy Vals are cached for subsequent evaluations .forty-seven-left[ ```scala lazy val greeting = println("Hello") ``` ```scala greeting // Hello greeting ``` ] --- # 3. Lazy Vals solve Vals initialisation issue .forty-seven-left[ ```scala val name = user.fullName // java.lang.NullPointerException val user = User("John", "Doe") ```
```scala lazy val name = user.fullName lazy val user = User("John", "Doe") name // res12: String = "John Doe" ``` ] --- class: tiny-code # Lazy Val code generation (Scala 3) .twenty-two-left[
```scala class Foo { lazy val bar =
} ``` .center[ ## Translate to ] ] .seventy-two-right[ ```scala class Foo { import scala.runtime.LazyVals var value_0: Int = _ var bitmap: Long = 0L val bitmap_offset: Long = LazyVals.getOffset(classOf[LazyCell], "bitmap") def bar(): Int = { while (true) { val flag = LazyVals.get(this, bitmap_offset) val state = LazyVals.STATE(flag,
) if (state ==
) { return value_0 } else if (state ==
) { if (LazyVals.CAS(this, bitmap_offset, flag,
)) { try { val result =
value_0 = result LazyVals.setFlag(this, bitmap_offset,
) return result } catch { case ex => LazyVals.setFlag(this, bitmap_offset,
) throw ex } } } else /* if (state ==
|| state ==
) */ { LazyVals.wait4Notification(this, bitmap_offset, flag,
) } } } } ``` ] --- # Evaluation
.cols[ .forty-five[ ```scala val greeting = println("Hello") // Hello greeting greeting ``` .center[ ## Once when created ] ] .ten[ ] .forty-five[ ```scala lazy val greeting = println("Hello") greeting // Hello greeting ``` .center[ ## Once when accessed ] ] .ten[ ] .forty-five[ ```scala def greeting() = println("Hello") greeting() // Hello greeting() // Hello ``` .center[ ## Everytime it is called ] ] ] --- # Test code evaluation .seventy-two-left[ ```scala test("a lazy val is only evaluated when first accessed") { // ... } ``` ] --- # Test code evaluation .seventy-two-left[ ```scala test("a lazy val is only evaluated when first accessed") { var counter = 0 lazy val action = counter += 1 } ``` ] --- # Test code evaluation .seventy-two-left[ ```scala test("a lazy val is only evaluated when first accessed") { var counter = 0 lazy val action = counter += 1 assert(counter == 0) action assert(counter == 1) action assert(counter == 1) } ``` ] --- # Test code evaluation .seventy-two-left[ ```scala test("a def is evaluated every time it is called") { var counter = 0 def action() = counter += 1 assert(counter == 0) action() assert(counter == 1) action() assert(counter == 2) } ``` ] --- # Parameters evaluation .forty-seven-left[ ```scala def sum(x: Int, y: Int): Unit = { val result = x + y println(s"The sum is $result") } ```
```scala def getEdaBalance(): Int = { println("Eda") 120 } def getBobBalance(): Int = { println("Bob") 35 } ``` ] .forty-seven-right[ ```scala sum( getEdaBalance(), getBobBalance() ) ``` ] --- # Parameters evaluation .forty-seven-left[ ```scala def sum(x: Int, y: Int): Unit = { val result = x + y println("The sum is $result") } ```
```scala def getEdaBalance(): Int = { println("Eda") 120 } def getBobBalance(): Int = { println("Bob") 35 } ``` ] .forty-seven-right[ ```scala sum( getEdaBalance(), getBobBalance() ) // Eda // Bob // The sum is 155 ``` ] --- # Parameters evaluation .forty-seven-left[ ```scala def sum(x: Int, y: Int): Unit = { val result = x + y println("The sum is $result") } ```
```scala def getEdaBalance(): Int = { println("Eda") 120 } def getBobBalance(): Int = { println("Bob") 35 } ``` ] .forty-seven-right[ ```scala val eda = getEdaBalance() // Eda val bob = getBobBalance() // Bob sum( eda, bob ) // The sum is 155 ``` ] --- # Parameters evaluation .seventy-two-left[ ```scala def getOrElse[A](option: Option[A], fallback: A): A = option match { case Some(value) => value case None => fallback } ``` ] -- .seventy-two-left[ ```scala getOrElse(Some(""), "") // res: String = "" getOrElse(None , "") // res: String = "" ``` ] --- # Parameters evaluation .seventy-two-left[ ```scala def getOrElse[A](option: Option[A], fallback: A): A = option match { case Some(value) => value case None => fallback } ``` ```scala getOrElse( Some(""), throw new IllegalArgumentException("email is required") ) // java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: email is required ``` ] --- # 0-parameter function .seventy-two-left[ ```scala def getOrElse[A](option: Option[A], fallback: () => A): A = option match { case Some(value) => value case None => fallback() } ``` ] -- .forty-two-left[ ## Def function ```scala def greeting(): Unit = println("Hello") ``` ] .forty-seven-right[ ## Val function ```scala val greeting: () => Unit = () => println("Hello") ``` ] --- # 0-parameter function .seventy-two-left[ ```scala def getOrElse[A](option: Option[A], fallback: () => A): A = option match { case Some(value) => value case None => fallback() } ``` ```scala getOrElse( Some(""), () => throw new IllegalArgumentException("email is required") ) // res: String = "" getOrElse( None, () => throw new IllegalArgumentException("email is required") ) // java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: email is required ``` ] --- # By-name parameters .seventy-two-left[ ```scala def getOrElse[A](option: Option[A], fallback: => A): A = option match { case Some(value) => value case None => fallback } ``` ] --- # By-name parameters .seventy-two-left[ ```scala def getOrElse[A](option: Option[A], fallback: => A): A = option match { case Some(value) => value case None => fallback } ``` ```scala getOrElse( Some(""), throw new IllegalArgumentException("email is required") ) // res: String = "" getOrElse( None, throw new IllegalArgumentException("email is required") ) // java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: email is required ``` ] --- # By-name parameters in the standard library .seventy-two-left[ ```scala object Try { def apply[A](action: => A): Try[A] = try { val result = action Success(result) } catch { case e: Throwable => Failure(e) } } Try(2 + 2) // res: Try[Int] = Success(4) Try(throw new Exception("Boom")) // res: Try[Nothing] = Failure(java.lang.Exception: Boom) ``` ] --- # By-name parameters in the standard library .eighty-two-left[ ```scala object Future { def apply[A](action: => A)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[A] = { ... // submit action to the thread pool } } Future { 2 + 2 } // res: Future[Int] = Future(
) ``` ] --- # Expressions evaluation
.twenty-seven-left[ ## Val ## Lazy Val ## Def ] .seventy-two-right[ ## → Once when defined ## → Once when first accessed ## → Everytime called ] --- # Parameters evaluation
.twenty-seven-left[ ## Normal (by-value) ## By-name ] .seventy-two-right[ ## → Immediately ## → Everytime accessed ] --- # Test evaluation .seventy-two-left[ ```scala test("a lazy val is only evaluated when first accessed") { var counter = 0 lazy val action = counter += 1 assert(counter == 0) action assert(counter == 1) action assert(counter == 1) } ``` ]